SMS received statistics Number received statistics

Get number

This section is more suitable for getting acquainted with prices and statistics of receiving sms.

It is possible to manually get a number or text here, but quite difficult.
This is due to the fact that a lot of users use our partners' software to get a number.

If you need a large number of numbers - we advise you to use the API.

Count: few

Max price

Buy under 13 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 45 ₽
Operator: 61
334 pcs.
Price: 91 ₽
Operator: 63
30 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
43 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 237 ₽
Operator: 9
100 pcs.
Price: 13 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
South Africa
Count: 2

Max price

Buy under 14 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 58 ₽
Operator: 31
83 pcs.
Price: 85 ₽
Operator: 39
38 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
44 pcs.
Price: 36 ₽
Operator: 57
3215 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 39 ₽
Operator: 54
33 pcs.
Price: 14 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Count: 44

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 282 ₽
Operator: 31
10 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 41
10 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 47
34 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
56 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 782 ₽
Operator: 54
540 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Price: 22 ₽
Operator: 19
2 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Count: 7800

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 46 ₽
Operator: 31
32 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
72 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
7800 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Count: 123

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 77 ₽
Operator: 31
30 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 41
123 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
99 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 141 ₽
Operator: 54
115160 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Price: 22 ₽
Operator: 19
1 pcs.
Dem. Congo
Count: 1065

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 55 ₽
Operator: 31
40 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
77 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
1065 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Count: 7585

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 52 ₽
Operator: 31
12 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
99 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
7585 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Price: 20 ₽
Operator: 8
31 pcs.
Price: 15.5 ₽
Operator: 10
50 pcs.
Price: 16 ₽
Operator: 56
93 pcs.
Count: 8325

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 46 ₽
Operator: 31
65 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
80 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
8325 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 2045 ₽
Operator: 54
347 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Count: 123

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 46 ₽
Operator: 31
24 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 41
123 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
92 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 212 ₽
Operator: 54
369 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Count: 8452

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 76 ₽
Operator: 31
14 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
79 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
8452 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 258 ₽
Operator: 54
11754 pcs.
Price: 20 ₽
Operator: 8
14 pcs.
Price: 28 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.

How to Create an Amazon Account Using a Virtual Phone Number?

What is an Amazon?

Amazon is one of the biggest online shopping platforms in the world, offering a wide range of products from books and electronics to clothing and groceries. Since its start in 1994, Amazon has grown into a global company, offering not just products but also cloud services.

Benefits of using a virtual number

Using virtual phone numbers has several benefits:

1.    Privacy:

A virtual number keeps your real phone number private, helping to protect your personal information.

2.    Multiple Accounts:

Virtual numbers let you create multiple accounts, which can be handy for keeping personal and work purchases separate.

3.    International Access:

You can register an account in another country with a virtual number, giving you access to unique deals and services not available in your region.

How to Create an Amazon Account?


First, sign up on SMSLIVE.PRO, which offers virtual number services.

2. Select Country and Service

Choose the country where you want to register your account, search for "Amazon" in the service list, pick an operator, and click "Buy Number."

3. Go to Amazon

Open the Amazon website and click on "Create Account." You’ll need to enter your name, email address, and a password.

4. Confirm Your Email

Amazon will send a confirmation code to your email. Copy and paste it into the required field on the website.

5. Add Your Phone Number

Next, Amazon will ask for your phone number. Copy the virtual number from SMSLIVE.PRO and paste it into the phone number field on Amazon. Wait for the code.

6. Enter the Confirmation Code

Enter the code you received into the field on Amazon and click "Create Account".

7. Successful Registration

If you have followed all steps correctly, you’ll see a message confirming your account has been successfully created.


With our service, you can easily create an Amazon account without using your personal phone number. This helps you stay private and anonymous, and also lets you create multiple accounts on Amazon. Good Luck! 

Tips for Using SMSLIVE.PRO

1.To receive SMS correctly, your IP should match the country of the number.

2. Sometimes, SMS delivery speeds vary. If you don’t get your code right away, don’t panic. Wait until the timer next to your number in the "Activations" section runs out. Your money is safe, and if a number doesn’t work, the funds will be returned to your balance.


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